Sunday, April 3, 2011


Hi, Renee and Chelsea!  Hurley says hi and so does Roxy (they're actually both snoring right now but I know they would say hi in spirit!).  I'm excited for Renee's birthday this week as I believe that birthdays are some of the good stuff that life is made of and should be CELEBRATED to the max.  I just came here to type down all of the things that are swirling around in my head, so bear with me.
I am trying to eat healthier but now that I am actually making some friends, I am getting invited out to eat, over to their houses to eat, out for coffee...blah blah blah.  And while it is fun, my wallet and my waistline do not appreciate it.  So, I'm about to head to the grocery store in an attempt to actually start eating healthy and exercising.  Good luck to me because I know myself waaaay better than that.

Also, I am feeling old lately.  My stupid touch screen phone is farting up (I censored myself for you, Reenz :) ) and I find myself pining for my old flip phone that called and texted people and THAT was about it!  I also converted to gmail and can't figure the dang thing out and am very resistant to checking myself in on the internet for flights.  I want to hold the ticket in my hand, damn it!  I also find myself less and less able to handle mean, angry people (and my alcohol).  When I was younger I would always be like, "I'll take care of it, I'mma frick him up!" and now I can't help but wonder why we all can't get along.  I am thinking about ridding myself of facebook (it'll never happen, who are we kidding?) and returning to the stone ages when you had to blow into video game cartridges and had 3 channels and no one owned a computer and life was good.  I'm tired of people that look for reasons to be angry...just get over it.  Can't we all live in peace, love and harmony?  PLEASE!? Just try, for me.  Okay.  

I have lots of things on my to-do list today and it is bogging me down.  I need to narrow it down to three things and then maybe I'd be able to get off my rear and do something.  I feel like I'm whining.  I didn't want this to be a whiny post but lookee where we ended up!  I love you both and will catch you soon :)


  1. Good luck with the diet/exercise! I've been trying to get myself into a healthier routine since January and I'm definitely struggling. Ok, I'm pretty much failing.

    And I completely agree with the facebook thing. I wish that it was easier to quit hahaha!

  2. Awwww I love you so much. The facebook thing- you have no idea how easy it is to resist once you declare that you're giving it up. Seriously. I think when I go back I'm just going to check it a couple times per week. That way you'd also get a bunch of notifications at once and feel really special. haha. NES was DA BEST. I actually never cared for any type of video game, but I actually enjoyed some Mario once in awhile. I feel ya on the phone- I want an old-fashioned land line hooked up to a separate answering machine! Maybe even skip the answering machine!

    I farting can't wait to see you sooon! You'll have to tell me about your new friends who are not as awesome as me. Muwahahahahah. It was great talking to you today. Miss and LOOOVE ya!

  3. I just said "actually" twice in a sentence and kept switching tenses. Go me. :-P
