Monday, March 14, 2011


Um, hi.  Can I rant on this thing?  Yes?  Renee is the only one reading this?  Ok, Renee.  Then I'mma let you have it.  So I was watching House tonight and, since I have ADD, was doing a whole bunch of other things and ended up leaving the TV on loooong after the show was over because a quiet house freaks me out and I am also forgetful.  Here is the point where I explain that House is on FOX, soooo...there's that.  Anyways, I walked into the room just as a reporter with his head up his ass was explaining that the tsunami in Japan was going to affect the import of car parts for Lexus and Toyota so Americans who own these cars or would like to buy one of these cars may have to wait longer or pay more.  They also launched into the state of the nuclear power plants in Illinois and spent about 30 minutes explaining how the tsunami in JAPAN was going to affect the US.  They went on and on about California and Hawaii and the west coast and how our imports from Japan were going to be depleted and how California may experience 2-3 foot waves and more rain than is seasonally normal...and this was the point where I either turned off the TV or hurled something heavy and destructive at it.  So I turned it off as I did not want my fiance to divorce me for destroying a perfectly good TV (don't shoot the messenger, I guess).  You know what made me so mad?  I didn't hear anything about relief efforts and what we can do to help the families of the TWO THOUSAND bodies that washed up on shore yesterday.  How about the tens of thousands that are without shelter, food, water, electricity or communication, sitting in the freezing cold, thirsty and starving not knowing if their family is alive or dead?  This makes me sick... no wonder the abbreviation for the United States is US because sometimes that's all we think  However, it was Fox news so, consider the source.  I value the efforts of the American government to provide aid, however, the general narcissism of the American culture is, at times, overwhelming to me.  It makes me angry.  It makes me want to cry.  It makes me feel like a hypocrite for saying these things because I am going to work tomorrow to pay MY bills instead of doing something.  But most of all, it makes me sad and ashamed.  So, on that note, I am going to figure out what I can do to help. Thank you for listening and good night.